Established in 1936, the Oil City Redevelopment Authority exists and operates for the purpose of the elimination of blighted areas through economically and socially sound redevelopment, as provided by Act 385 of the PA General Assembly, and in conformity with the comprehensive general plans of the City for residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, or other purposes.
Current members: Chairman Alan Schiller, Patricia Baker, Maureen James, Karen Rupert, and Tom Friedhaber. Ted Welch serves as the Redevelopment Authority's solicitor.
Meeting time: 1st Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm
The Civil Service Board was adopted by City Council in 1917 for the purpose of providing for and regulating examinations, the matter of appointment, and the manner and power of removal of employees of the Fire and Police Departments. The Board is responsible for scheduling testing for entry-level and promoted positions and developing a certified list of high-scoring candidates for each position. They also convene to hold appeal hearings for applicants who believe they have been aggrieved in the testing process or for employees wishing to appeal a suspension or termination.
Current members: Richard Baker, and Mario Fontanazza
Established in 1936 and consisting of five members, this board functions to hear any appeals to enforcement notices or determinations given by the Zoning Enforcement Officer as well as requests for a variance or special exception to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Contact the Zoning Enforcement Officer to determine if you need to be seen before the Zoning Hearing Board.
Current members: Chairman Eric Reamer, Lonnie Knight, Matt Caldwell, William P Moon Jr., and Jeff Karns. Joseph Keebler serves as the board's solicitor.
Meeting time: upon request.
The Planning Commission was established in 1914 as a five-member advisory board. They are charged with reviewing and making recommendations for changes to the zoning ordinance and map, subdivision and land development ordinance, provisions for planned residential development, the Comprehensive Plan, and other ordinances and regulations that govern the development of land.
Commission members: Michael Morrison, Jason Bidish, Richard Baker, Hillary Wisniewski, and William P Moon Jr.
Meeting time: upon request.
The Oil City Shade Tree Commission was established in 1977. The Commission oversees tree planting and removal in the utility right-of-way located between the sidewalk and curb. They notify property owners of hazardous trees, when identified, and approve/deny planting or removal permits. They apply for grants to purchase and plant new trees or to assist with general tree maintenance. The Commission is responsible for planning and hosting the City's annual Arbor Day event and memorial tree plantings as requested. Work is closely coordinated with the Community Development and Public Works Departments. A Tree City USA community designation is applied for annually.
Current members: Chairman Robin Moon, Susan McGuire, Fred Immediato, and Cheri Pearce. There is one vacancy on the board.
Meeting time: 4th Tuesday of every month at 8:30 am, except November and December are a combined meeting due to the holidays. Meetings are open to the public.
The Oil City Arts Council (OCAC) exists and operates to determine the cultural operations and programming in Oil City. They are a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the visibility of community cultural institutions and organizations and facilitating the development of community artists.
Current members: Evelyn Wheeler, Christine Hollis, Kate Miller, Gary Dittman, Noel Tippel, Laura Ordaz, Kay Woods, Lena Wheeler, Zach Hollis, Maureen James, Keidi Wirtner, Cindy Eckert, Angela Wyant, Pam Johnson, Mike Walentosky, Dan Feroz, and Gretchen McGinley
Meeting time: 1st Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm
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